B0 field map

This page illustrates regularized B0 3D field map estimation from multi-echo multi-coil MRI images using the Julia package MRIFieldmaps.

This page comes from a single Julia file: 02-b0map.jl.

You can access the source code for such Julia documentation using the 'Edit on GitHub' link in the top right. You can view the corresponding notebook in nbviewer here: 02-b0map.ipynb, or open it in binder here: 02-b0map.ipynb.


Packages needed here.

using MRIFieldmaps: b0map, b0model, b0init, b0scale
using MIRTjim: jim, prompt; jim(:prompt, true)
using MAT: matread
import Downloads # todo: use Fetch or DataDeps?
using MIRT: ir_mri_sensemap_sim
using Random: seed!
using StatsBase: mean
using Unitful: s
using Plots; default(markerstrokecolor=:auto, label="")

The following line is helpful when running this file as a script; this way it will prompt user to hit a key after each figure is displayed.

isinteractive() ? jim(:prompt, true) : prompt(:draw);


This example is based on the simulation example from the repo that reproduces Experiment A and Figs. 3 & 4 in the paper "Efficient Regularized Field Map Estimation in 3D MRI" by Claire Lin and Jeff Fessler, 2020

This example uses units (seconds) to illustrate that capability of the package, but units are not required.

Read data

if !@isdefined(data)
    repo = "https://github.com/ClaireYLin/regularized-field-map-estimation"
    dataurl = "$repo/blob/main/data/input_object_40sl_3d_epi_snr40.mat?raw=true"
    data = matread(Downloads.download(dataurl))

Extract arrays used in simulation

if !@isdefined(ftrue)
    zp = 1:40 # choose subset of slices
    mask = data["maskR"][:,:,zp]
    ftrue = (data["in_obj"]["ztrue"][:,:,zp] .* mask) / 2π / 1s # Hz
    ftrue .*= mask # true field map (in Hz) for simulation
    mag = data["in_obj"]["xtrue"] .* mask # true baseline magnitude
    if false # 2× in all 3 dimensions to make (128,128,80) for timing test (≈6sec)
        catd = (x,d) -> cat(x, x, dims=d)
        bigify = (x) -> catd(catd(catd(x, 1), 2), 3)
        ftrue = bigify(ftrue)
        mag = bigify(mag)
        mask = bigify(mask)
    (nx,ny,nz) = size(mag)
    clim = (-100,100) # display range in Hz
    jim(ftrue .* mask; clim, title="True fieldmap in Hz (Fig 3d)")
Example block output

Function for computing RMSE within the mask

frmse = f -> round(sqrt(sum(abs2, (f - ftrue)[mask]) / count(mask)) * s, digits=1) / s;

Parameters for data generation

echotime = [0, 2, 10] * 1f-3 * 1s # echo times in sec
true_thresh = 0.05 # threshold of the true object for determining reconstruction mask
snr = 24 # noise level in dB
ne = length(echotime)
nc = 4; # number of coils in simulation

Simulate sensitivity maps

(rcoil=100 to match matlab default). todo: polynomial approximation?

if !@isdefined(smap)
    smap = ir_mri_sensemap_sim(; dims=(nx, ny, nz), ncoil=nc, rcoil=100)
    div0 = (x::Number,y::Number) -> iszero(y) ? 0 : x/y
    smap ./= sqrt.(sum(abs2, smap; dims=4)) # normalize by SSoS
    jim(smap, "|smap|"; ncol=nz÷2)
Example block output

Generate simulated image data

This is the multi-coil version, for multiple echo times, with additive complex Gaussian noise.

Because b0model uses cis(+phase), the resulting fieldmap may be the negative of the needed for your scanner!

ytrue = b0model(ftrue, mag, echotime; smap)
seed!(0) # matlab and julia will differ

compute the noise_std to get the desired SNR

image_power = 10 * log10(sum(abs2, mag) / (nx*ny*nz)) # in dB
noise_power = image_power - snr
noise_std = sqrt(10^(noise_power/10)) / 2 # because complex
ynoise = Float32(noise_std) * randn(ComplexF32, size(ytrue))
ydata = ytrue + ynoise; # add the noise to the data

Compute the SNR for each echo time to verify

tmp = [sum(abs2, ytrue[:,:,:,:,i]) / sum(abs2, ynoise[:,:,:,:,i]) for i in 1:ne]
datasnr = 10 * log10.(tmp)
3-element Vector{Float64}:

Show data magnitude

jim(ydata[:,:,:,:,end], "|data|"; ncol=nz÷2)
Example block output

Coil combine image data and scale

if !@isdefined(yik_sos)
    yik_sos = sum(conj(smap) .* ydata; dims=4) # coil combine
    yik_sos = yik_sos[:,:,:,1,:] # (dims..., ne)
    jim(yik_sos, "|data sos|"; ncol=nz÷2)
    (yik_sos_scaled, scale) = b0scale(yik_sos, echotime) # todo
    jim(yik_sos_scaled, "|scaled data|"; ncol=nz÷2)
Example block output

Initialize fieldmap

Compute finit using phase difference of first two echo times (no smoothing):

finit = b0init(ydata, echotime; smap)
jim(finit .* mask; clim, title="Initial fieldmap in Hz (Fig 3b)",
    xlabel = "RMSE = $(frmse(finit)) Hz")
Example block output


Run each algorithm twice; once to track rmse and costs, once for timing

yik_scale = ydata / scale
fmap_run = (niter, precon, track; kwargs...) ->
    b0map(yik_scale, echotime; smap, mask,
       order=1, l2b=-4, gamma_type=:PR, niter, precon, track, kwargs...)

function runner(niter, precon; kwargs...)
    (fmap, _, out) = fmap_run(niter, precon, true; kwargs...) # tracking run
    (_, times, _) = fmap_run(niter, precon, false; kwargs...) # timing run
    return (fmap, out.fhats, out.costs, times)

2. NCG: no precon

if !@isdefined(fmap_cg_n)
    niter_cg_n = 50
    (fmap_cg_n, fhat_cg_n, cost_cg_n, time_cg_n) = runner(niter_cg_n, :I)

    pcost = plot(time_cg_n, cost_cg_n, marker=:circle, label="NCG-MLS");
    pi_cn = jim(fmap_cg_n, "CG:I"; clim,
        xlabel = "RMSE = $(frmse(fmap_cg_n)) Hz")
Example block output

3. NCG: diagonal preconditioner

if !@isdefined(fmap_cg_d)
    niter_cg_d = 40
    (fmap_cg_d, fhat_cg_d, cost_cg_d, time_cg_d) = runner(niter_cg_d, :diag)

    plot!(pcost, time_cg_d, cost_cg_d, marker=:square, label="NCG-MLS-D")
    pi_cd = jim(fmap_cg_d, "CG:diag"; clim,
        xlabel = "RMSE = $(frmse(fmap_cg_d)) Hz")
Example block output

4. NCG: Cholesky preconditioner

(This one may use too much memory for larger images.)

if !@isdefined(fmap_cg_c)
    niter_cg_c = 3
    (fmap_cg_c, fhat_cg_c, cost_cg_c, time_cg_c) = runner(niter_cg_c, :chol)

    plot!(pcost, time_cg_c, cost_cg_c, marker=:square, label="NCG-MLS-C")
    pi_cc = jim(fmap_cg_c, "CG:chol"; clim,
        xlabel = "RMSE = $(frmse(fmap_cg_c)) Hz")
Example block output

5. NCG: Incomplete Cholesky preconditioner

if !@isdefined(fmap_cg_i)
    niter_cg_i = 14
    (fmap_cg_i, fhat_cg_i, cost_cg_i, time_cg_i) =
        runner(niter_cg_i, :ichol; lldl_args = (; memory=20, droptol=0))

    plot!(pcost, time_cg_i, cost_cg_i, marker=:square, label="NCG-MLS-IC",
        xlabel = "time [s]", ylabel="cost")
    pi_ci = jim(fmap_cg_i, "CG:ichol"; clim,
        xlabel = "RMSE = $(frmse(fmap_cg_i)) Hz")
Example block output

Compare final RMSE values

frmse.((ftrue, finit, fmap_cg_n, fmap_cg_d, fmap_cg_c, fmap_cg_i))
(0.0 s^-1, 12.3 s^-1, 3.1 s^-1, 3.1 s^-1, 3.1 s^-1, 3.1 s^-1)

Plot RMSE vs wall time

prmse = plot(xlabel = "time [s]", ylabel="RMSE [Hz]")
fun = (time, fhat, label) ->
    plot!(prmse, time, frmse.(eachslice(fhat; dims=4)); label, marker=:circ)
fun(time_cg_n, fhat_cg_n, "None")
fun(time_cg_d, fhat_cg_d, "Diag")
fun(time_cg_c, fhat_cg_c, "Chol")
fun(time_cg_i, fhat_cg_i, "IC")
Example block output


That final figure is similar to Fig. 4 of the 2020 Lin&Fessler paper, after correcting that figure for a factor of π.

This figure was generated in github's cloud, where the servers are busily multi-tasking, so the compute times per iteration can vary widely between iterations and runs.

Nevertheless, it is interesting that in this Julia implementation the diagonal preconditioner seems to be as effective as the incomplete Cholesky preconditioner.

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